On 25 May 2013, I'll be at the London MCM Expo with the band Fearless Vampire Killers. I'll bring along copies of the Elemental Micah Graphic Novel; Just Exhale and will be signing prints. Tickets vary from £6.00 to £29.50 and is easy to get to if you can get on the DLR to Custom House. Come nab a book and meet the band. |
On 20 April 2013, I'll be at the Spring Comika Comiket with copies of the Elemental Micah Graphic Novel, Just Exhale. The event is free to attend and is slap bang in the middle of London, so it'll be dead easy to get to. Come nab a copy if you couldn't make it to the ExCeL Centre. |
| The address is:
Platform Theatre Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design University of the Arts London Handyside Street King’s Cross London N1C 4AA | | |
On 23-24 February 2013, I'll be at London Super Comic Convention, releasing the first Elemental Micah Graphic Novel, Just Exhale. |
| The address is: ExCel London One Western Gateway Royal Victoria Dock London E16 1XL | | |
On Saturday 17-18 November 2012, I was at the Thought Bubble One Day Convention. |
| The address is: Clarence Dock, Chadwick Street, Stourton, Leeds LS10 1LT | | |
On Saturday 12th March, you can find me at the London Comic & Small Press Expo. |
| The address is: Goldsmiths, University of London, New Cross, London, SE14 6NW | | |
The things that you'll be able to see at my table will be issues 1 - 3 of Elemental Micah, 1 - 2 of Steve & Bob, badges, posters, plushes, a portfolio to browse though and a very chatty man with lots of change and a sketchpad. | |
On Saturday 20th November 2010, I was at the Thought Bubble One Day Convention. |
| The address is: Clarence Dock, Chadwick Street, Stourton, Leeds LS10 1LT | | |
A slightly long summary of the Thought Bubble Exhibition I love going to cons. There’s always a sort of electricity when you get there. Everyone’s excited and everyone wants to see their favourite artist. I’d never been to a Thought Bubble before though and I was stunned to see just how huge the place was!
Then in crept confusion as there were a lot of people in costume. I met Batman, The Joker, Ezio from Assassin’s Creed and lots and lots of Naruto characters.
Expert sales man aside, I managed to part with a lot of my money that day, buying whatever I could from numerous indie stalls and saw some old faces from other cons. It was good to see Jambo, Moo & Keo and Bunny Comics (I still have their blue bunny plush!)
It was also odd to see so many professional comic artists and writers there too. I had brought along my copy of ‘Kingdom of the Damned’ and simply couldn’t bring myself to talk to the artist and writer of the book, I had to get someone else to do it for me! Oh the cowardice!
It was an exhausting day, but it was great talking to so many people. The highlight being the clumsy Joker who broke a little statuette of Bob. I thought her costume was incredibly cool and said I’d give her an issue of Elemental Micah if I could take a picture of her holding the comic. Well, I’m not sure what happened to that photo (damn camera phone!) but she was kind enough to message me later on DeviantArt to tell me how much she liked the book. Things like that are the reason I go to these events.
© Michael Georgiou 2012
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